Akhil Chandra Das

What strikes the viewer of Akhil Chandra Das’ works at their very first introduction to each other is the swipe he takes at cultural decadence, hypocrisy, capitalism, and erosion of values. These are issues that rattle and concern him and he leaves no stone unturned to use it to evoke through surreal and mythological imageries, the collation and presentation of his through with a sense of the absurd, disdain, wit and sarcasm.
While he has access to any media or material, he chooses to appreciate the elegance of using limited means to send complex signals. What he achieves with the self-imposed limitations is extraordinary. The well-constructed richness of his sculpture and installations makes the viewers wonder how so much is possible with the use of so little.
His love for wood and bronze are well-known and he uses them with an audacity that is so rare. The works are structured around the interactivity of disparate body parts and in their tight and sonorous arrangements, project disunities and interpersonal separations as symptomatic of today’s unstable times. The break- up of unities, loss and separation between individuals and between the contradictory directions of the self – the emotions are threadbare in his works. The figures in his sculptures stand isolated despite the subtlety of their combinations.
Carving a double entendre, like masked humans underneath the mask of a beast is his specialty. He is one artist who can laugh at himself and sculpt himself in a rather humorous way as well. The artist has cast himself as a goofy, ludicrous thoroughly enjoyable totem with a self-deprecating smile and closed eyes who have achieved some state of bliss.
He loves pun and sarcasm and uses them with a wit to represent the hypocrisy of the materialist society we live in. Akhil’s works are in no way solutions to any issue or a way out of this imbalance. They merely are representations of the reality, his figures rather dispassionate and somewhat accepting observers of conditions that have replaced our values and nature.
Akhil holds an MFA in Creative Sculpture and is a widely honored and awarded artist by art academies across India.
To see artworks by Akhil Chandra Das, click here
1991 B.V.A. from Govt. College of Atr & Craft Calcutta
1993 M.F.A. From M.S. University of Baroda
2015 28th National Exhibition Of Contemporary Art 2015, “National Award” Organised By South Center Zone Cultural Centre (Govt. of India)
2015 All India Fine Arts & Craft Society Annual Exhibition
2002 “Harmony Show” By Reliance Industries Ltd (Textile Division)
2001-73 All Indian Fine Arts & Craft Society Annual Exhibition
1997-68 All India Fine Arts & Craft Annual Exhibition Society
1996-67 All India Fine Arts & Craft Society Annual Exhibition
1995-Bombay Art Society (Bombay) Annual Exhibition.
1990-Indian Society Of Oriental Art
2002 1st Solo Show Jahangir Art Gallery (Mumbai)
2011 2nd Solo Show Aakrity Art Gallery (Kolkata)
2015 Painting & Sculpture Workshop at Andaman & Nicobar Island Org. by State Bank of India Main Branch, Bombay
2015 Painting & Sculpture Workshop by Art Sacre, Kolkata
2012 Sculpture Workshop Org. by Govt. of W.B. (Hidco)
2012 Wood Curving Camp Org. by 7th Ongc Ishni Kala Sangam
2009 Regional Bronze Casting at Agartala Art College, Tipura by Rashtriya Lalit Kala Kendra
2005 Wood Curving Camp Majuli (Assam) Org. By Rashtriya Lalit Kala Kendra
2002 Stone Curving Camp at Pondicherry Org. By South Zone Cultural Center Lalit Kala Academy & Aurodhan Art Gallery
2001 Regional Bronze Casting Camp at Regional Center, Kolkata Org. Rashtriya Lalit Kala Kendra
2000 Installation Works Shop, “Memory Park”, Maxmuller Bhavan, Kolkata
2000 Eastern Regional Traditional Crafts Man & Young Sculptors Interactive Works Shop In Bamboo / By Rashtriya Lalit Kala Kendra
1998 Eastern Regional Young Sculptors Camp in Terracotta At Assam University Silchar Org. by. Rashtriya Lalit Kala Kendra
1988 Metal Sculpture Camp, Max Muller Bhavan & Lalit Kala Kendra, Kolkata