Remya Kumar

She might have been a great architect but she makes a better artist. Remya Kumar went back to her colour palette in the summer of 2009 amidst acquiring a masters’ degree in urban planning and hasn’t looked back since.
Her style is something she has made for herself which she chooses to term as ‘contemporary impressionist’. Her inspiration is nature itself but she does not subscribe to the need to reflect or reproduce exactly what she sees either by colour or by form. You will find that she disowns green when she does leaves and trees and goes for the heavy oranges and vermillion which despite their severity offer a certain serenity to the viewer.
The architect in Remya sees order and pattern in the most chaotic of surroundings while the artist sees beauty. Her canvases are sensitive portrayals of her observations and memories of surreal forests and water bodies in her home state, Kerala. Loose carefree strokes created using the palette knife are her thing and therefore many of her works feature more expansive strokes suggestive of the original setting than any true to life representation.
Her smart use of lighter tones to introduce contrasting effects, sometimes referring to the setting sun and at other times the midnight moon, work like calming music. Her images are what one would see in their mind’s eye. Should one wish to hear the rustle of the leaves or the trickling stream without being burdened by the rainbow of colours, Remya’s canvases should be their refuge.
To see artworks by Remya Kumar, click here
2013 'Visual Symphony', Vinnyasa Premier Art Galery, Chennai
2013 'Prismatic', Chitrakala Parishat, Bangalore
2014 AIF's 9th Annual Chicago Gala, Chicago, USA
2014 AIF's 8th Annual New England Gala, Boston